Saturday, July 3, 2010

World Cup & others

I came home late yesterday at about 1.15a.m so i didnt blog about this.
i went to my aunt's for dinner at a restaurant called Ribs. The food there was okay.. My aunt called for a peppered lamb salad and other dishes.
At about 9.45p.m all of us rushed to ,y aunt's house to watch a soccer match, Argentina & Germany. Well of course i supported Germany :D I did my a.math homework while watching. My aunt served us japanese sweets 'buffet'. I tried Kit-kat in assorted flavours...

Guess what flavour is this=======> wasabi

Green Tea...


& little prawns...they taste sweet...

Here's one upclose....

And wow Germany won!! 4-0 . According to my dad Germany's team has the youngest players.

Ah hell y is it so blurrish...

Today my doggie ran out and after a few attempt my sister and I manage to get her back....


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